Black Sabbath and Heavy Metal Documentary. "This film investigates the original heavy metal sound born in the UK, as pioneered by musical heroes Black Sabbath in the 197...
Space God Ritual. I had been 'aware' of Space God Ritual for quite a while, but truth be told hadn't been all that impressed. Strangely enough, e...
Dual Split Attack! Iron Witch & The Atrocity Exhibit 7" Split Iron Witch & The Atrocity Exhibit 7" by Witch Hunter Records This isn’t the...
Down Under Doom. The amount of quality releases that Australia has produced in the last 24 months is impressive; just consider the new album from Clagg or...
DOWNLOAD-Red Mess.-GALFDOM Drowning In Red - EP (2015) by Red Mess One of my distant relatives (from what I know probably 4/5 generations back) happens to play in a D...
Red Mess. Drowning In Red - EP (2015) by Red Mess One of my distant relatives (from what I know probably 4/5 generations back) happens to play in a D...
DOWNLOAD-Desertfest 2015.-GALFDOM For a number of reasons, I didn't really see many of the bands at Deserfest this year - but so it goes. My festival itinerary; Friday :...
Desertfest 2015. For a number of reasons, I didn't really see many of the bands at Deserfest this year - but so it goes. My festival itinerary; Friday :...
DOWNLOAD-Human Nature.-GALFDOM I'll do a 'Best of 2014' feature when it's further into February. Unlikely though. Human Nature are from London and this i...
Human Nature. I'll do a 'Best of 2014' feature when it's further into February. Unlikely though. Human Nature are from London and this i...
DOWNLOAD-Jupiterian.-GALFDOM Yeah, I've been slacking on here really. Deal with it. Anyway.. I've never been madly into doom death but every so often something c...
Jupiterian. Yeah, I've been slacking on here really. Deal with it. Anyway.. I've never been madly into doom death but every so often something c...
MØR. I'm having trouble keeping up with all the new releases at the moment, literally overwhelming. Glad Electric Wizard seem to have gotten ...
Ignominy. Souls at Zero by Neurosis remains one of my favourite albums of all time. I do hear similar ideas touched and investigated in Come Abuse , ...
Sunburster. I should of really done something cool for Halloween on the blog but, bleeeeeurgh, it didn't even come into my mind. Thankfully, Zodiac,...
March The Desert. Still a little rough around the edges but displaying enough potential to emerge as one of the finer exports of British Doom, we have today t...
Iron Heel. This only came out yesterday and apart from the sometimes clicky bass drum, it's absolute heaven. It has a very traditional doom metal ...
Hypnotist. EDIT : Just reposting to give this more exposure! How these guys have remained unnoticed for so long I honestly cannot fathom. Considering y...
Moloch. Though perhaps quite a familiar name for those in North England, Moloch are still relatively unheard of considering they represent some of t...